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Five questions about France – Quick Quiz answers

We asked you five quick trivia questions about France. Here are the answers:

  1. Which geometrical shape does metropolitan France resemble?
    A hexagon – the French even nickname it l’Hexagone.
  2. The borders of modern France are approximately the same as those of ancient… what?
    The Celtic realm of Gaul (Gallia in Latin).
  3. On what date was the storming of the Bastille?
    14 July 1789. Its political significance was symbolic rather than practical; there were only seven prisoners at the time, and four of those were convicted forgers.
  4. In what year was Disneyland Paris opened?
    1992. There are actually two parks: the Walt Disney Studios Park (which opened in March) and the Disneyland Park (April).
  5. Roquefort cheese is made with milk from which animals?
    Sheep. Only cheeses aged in the natural Combalou caves of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon may bear the name.

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