The Facts Lab Book of Insects – out now!

The Facts Lab Book of Insects
101 amazing facts about our six-legged chums
by Kay & David McMahon
We’ve both been busy little bees in the last few weeks – just like some of the subjects of our latest offering. Yes, it’s The Facts Lab Book of Insects!
There’s a lot more to insects than their general creepy-crawliness, as many expats can attest. We’re fed up of the number of times we’ve had to take the spray to deal with yet another importunate cockroach. But we’ve never been tempted to take nemesis to the extreme lengths of eating them.
Anyway, insects are fascinating little beasts, and they’re hugely varied. This is no great surprise when you think about it – after all, it’s reckoned that they account for about 40 per cent of all species on the planet. They range from the breathtakingly fragile (like the mayflies) to the incredibly durable (yes, it’s the cockroaches again).
But there are a few surprises about them, too, and separating the truth from the fiction can be hard at times. For instance:
- Are mosquitoes really responsible for more human deaths than other humans?
- Do some women really believe smearing insects on their faces makes them more attractive?
- Do earwigs really burrow into human brains?
- Do some insects really have two penises?
You’ll find the answers, and more, in The Facts Lab Book of Insects. And, as ever, although we’ve subtitled the book “101 amazing facts about our six-legged chums”, we’ve actually included 102.
Buy the book. You know it makes sense.
(Or don’t buy it – get it free instead. See our launch promo below!)
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We’ll be offering the book free in the Kindle Store from 0800 GMT on Friday 28 February to 0800 GMT on Sunday 2 March. Grab your copy while it’s free!
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