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Five questions about Ghana – Quick Quiz

The cradle of the Ashanti Empire and known to mediaeval European explorers as the Gold Coast, Ghana was the first country in Western Africa to achieve independence. But how much do you know about it?

  1. What does the name Ghana mean?
  2. Fufu is popular across western Africa but is thought to have originated in Ghana. Is it:
    1. A lively style of music similar to soca?
    2. Mashed cassava tuber often eaten with soup?
    3. A cross between volleyball and football, played over a palm net?
  3. Jerry Rawlings, a serving officer of the Ghana Air Force, became Ghana’s head of state twice after coups, in 1979 and 1981. What was his rank at the time?
  4. Kwame Nkrumah-Acheampong achieved fame by becoming the first Ghanaian participant in a Winter Olympics in Vancouver in 2010. From which feline does he take his nickname?
  5. What did Ghana do in 1974 that The Gambia had done in 1965, Sierra Leone in 1971 and Nigeria in 1972?

Check your answers here!

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