Expat Post – need a UK address?
Q: What do you call a British Expat with a 40th birthday card from home?
A: 42!
Any Blighter who no longer resides in Blighty will recognise the problem. How do you maintain a legitimate address in the UK so that you can still receive mail from your bank, insurance company, passport office, DVLA or HMRC… and then have it sent on to Spain, Thailand, Canada, the US of A, Germany, Le Dordogne, McMurdo Sound or the International Space Station?
In the madness that so typifies those months leading up to relocation we tend to concentrate on lifestyle issues: accommodation, employment, education for the kids, health care, the nearest beach, Red Lion Pub and chip shop. Only after departing these shores does the importance of leaving at least one foot planted on British soil become apparent.
Most will lay the responsibility at the door of a well-meaning friend or relative, but this “solution” is rarely successful.
The top ten excuses that your (please delete as appropriate) brother / sister-in-law / nephew / best mate from school / next-door-but-one-neighbour / ex-girlfriend is likely to use for not forwarding your mail include (please note: these really have all been used!):
- The Post Office are on strike and they said that there are loads of letters stuck on a train near Rotherham, or Rotherhide or somewhere, that can’t go anywhere until the ferries are running again.
- Julie’s left me.
- Our Sarah took them all to the post office, but they didn’t have Thailand stamps.
- We had a flood and it all got wet so the insurance company are trying to fix it.
- I couldn’t find the envelope you left with the postage money in.
- The French have blocked the ports again.
- Little Tracey had another asthma attack on the bus so your Dad has it all in his car.
- I rang the sorting office and they couldn’t find your door after you left.
- We left it for the postman but we think he’s Polish.
- Steve sent the letters back because they were going to charge us council tax for you living here.
Does the above problem sound familiar? Do you need a UK address? ExpatPost could be just the solution you’re looking for.
Unique UK accommodation addresses for British expats with mail forwarding at cost!
The founders of ExpatPost are Blighters. Having all been expats, they have experienced the challenges at first hand. Almost every British expat needs to retain a presence in the UK. It could be because you own a UK-based company, or it might just be that you need to hang on to your British bank account. Whatever the reason, if you need a UK address, then you should head over to ExpatPost.uk and see what’s on offer. Don’t forget to use the British Expat bonus code and claim a free extra month’s subscription!
Competition – win a free UK mailbox for a year!
And the even better news is that they’ve created a free competition where you can win a full year ExpatPost mailbox account including £30 (proper British pounds, mind you) of forwarding postage each. The prize will go to a British national who can correctly answer the following question:
Which one of the Expat Post security team was voted as the “cutest and most distracting” by their mail depot staff?
See the whole security team naked at: http://www.expatpost.uk/live_support.html
ExpatPost already know the answer, so the first one out of their hat on Sunday 30 August will have their mail problems for the next year solved at a stroke! We’ll announce the winner on Monday 31 August.
And it doesn’t end there – see next month for another stress-saving freebie!
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