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Posts from the ‘Expat Asia’ category

The birds and the bees

“Some bees make honey, some bees buzz around, and some bloody BIG bees will build nests (beehives?) on your backside if you’re not careful.” Some facts of life in Delhi as seen by Stravaig…

Living on the backside

“Although no stranger to the Indian sub-continent, I am new to New Delhi. Perhaps I should shut up and write about what I know. Rule one in any ‘How to write’ manual. Even so, the observations of a newcomer may be of interest. Let’s give it a shot.” Stravaig kicks off her column about life in New Delhi.

Cooking Thai Rice

“Rice is a difficult subject to write about because every cuisine has its own particular way of doing things. There are many types of rice and countless methods of cooking it. The whole process is further complicated by the fact that you can’t even say, for example, “cook for 15 minutes” as there are so many variables involved…” Nevertheless, Kay gives several different methods for cooking rice – and rescuing it when things go wrong.