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Posts from the ‘Leisure’ category

All things related to Leisure

Tourist advice

This article appeared recently in an American magazine under the headline “Advice For Tourists”. By all accounts it was taken seriously by a lot of people….

How to shower

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, showers are from Triton… An examination of the very different bathroom routines of men and women!

No flies on my carrot – Part Two

“In summary, the long ones are fine if your soil is ideal. Otherwise stick to the stump rooted varieties.” Mike wraps up his two-part look at how to grow your own carrots with an overview of the varieties, how to look after them while they’re growing, and how to store them.

No flies on my carrot – Part One

“Since all the gardening programmes on the telly tell you to do things way in advance of the optimum time, ‘cos each wants to be first; and the Garden Centres stock plants well ahead of season for the same reason, to steal a march (March!) on their rivals; why should I be any different?” Mike goes back to his roots with an exposé of how to grow champion-standard carrots.

Smell the honey

“What can be more alluring than the scent of honeysuckle wafting round your garden after a summer shower? A drop of rain always seems to make the scent more pronounced. Not reason enough in itself to wish for rain, of course – we had plenty of that last year.” Thought it was too early to think about the northern summer? No chance! Mike lets us in on an easy way to get the garden looking (and smelling) its best…