The Great Myths of Language Learning
The British are bad at learning foreign languages. It’s a fact. In any European city you can find intelligent and decent British tourists (among the dim…
Here you’ll find a collection of musings about life in general
The British are bad at learning foreign languages. It’s a fact. In any European city you can find intelligent and decent British tourists (among the dim…
“Mystery deaths among Indian white-backed vultures, long-billed vultures and slender-billed vultures has cut their numbers by more than 97% in India in twelve years. And the rate of decline is increasing.” Three species of vulture in India are suddenly faced with extinction. The Editor reports on plans to rehabilitate them.
“In my parents’ day the solution to this often intractable problem was easy; if your man was in bed, you brought him a cup of tea. Result, one very pleased man.” Tim Sharp discusses the often thorny issue of sex and communication.
“3:40am Monday morning partner and I both woke up; nightmares. By 3:43am you could find us, unnerved, pale and scared, sitting on the kitchen worktop drinking tea. The atmosphere was not helped by the screaming of partner’s cats out in the yard.” Tim Sharp looks at nightmares and their causes.
“I do not wish to offend anyone but I sometimes feel totally inhibited about what I may or may not write on this site because of the racism issue. I tend to crack jokes about women ā because I am one; about men ā because Iām married to one; about Scots ā again, because I am one; but I am shit scared of doing anything else.” Phil asks: where does good-humoured teasing stop and racism begin?
“The division of labour in our household is based on horizontal work groups. The two of us constitute the group. I stay horizontal (this is my best thinking position); she works.” Tim looks at the domestic roles of the sexes in relationships and how the generations see them differently.