British Expat Newsletter: October 2014
This month: Shifting shopping patterns—all about the changes in the way people do their shopping, including the growth of online shopping. Or not…
Archives of British Expat’s newsletters since 2003
This month: Shifting shopping patterns—all about the changes in the way people do their shopping, including the growth of online shopping. Or not…
This month: Living without clutter—the challenges of deciding which personal possessions are truly indispensable, the advantages of making do with just a little, and the consequent dependence on communal systems
This month: I’d like to get your backs up—how cramped airline seating is setting passenger against passenger…
This month: Getting the message across—have images supplanted words as the medium of choice for communication?
This month: A bit off the top—is going to the barber’s an occasion full of fear and loathing, or a welcome retreat for a bit of manly downtime?
This month: Fantasy passports and private currencies – handy anti-terrorist tools, or a crook’s charter?