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Posts tagged ‘English language’

Phonetically Defined, a cartoon by John Atkinson of Wrong Hands

Estatoranto – a language necessary for repatriation

‘We all know how estate agents are masters of euphemism. For “quaint” read “old and shabby”. “Secluded” or “peaceful residential area” seems to mean “in the middle of nowhere and miles from public transport and shops”. What I hadn’t expected was the frequent sheer inability to communicate simple information in a coherent manner.’ Kay makes a foray into the confusing world of estate agents’ listings.

Flag of Malaysia

Manglish also can?

“If, like me, you are a seasoned expat, you will have heard that unique brand of local English, Manglish, many times. You will probably feel you can understand it, at least most of the time. You may even be cocky enough to use it on occasion.” Seasoned expat Gordon Reid looks at why many Malaysians speak English a little, erm, differently from how Britons do…