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Posts from the ‘Expat Asia’ category

Phnom Penh Basics

If you’re arriving in a country for the first time, it’s helpful to have some idea of what to expect when you get there. Do you need to take local currency with you? Should you book a hotel before you go? How do you get out of the airport? Here’s a bit of help for those on their first visit to Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital.

Front cover of "Perking the Pansies"

Perking the Pansies

A review of Perking the Pansies by Jack Scott – an autobiographical account of Jack and his civil partner Liam’s move to Turkey. A wickedly funny, colourful and emotional roller-coaster of a read!

We’re all mongrels really

“I studied the steady stream of strollers; all ages and all types gently ambled by. As I watched, I wondered if there was such a thing as a typical Turkish type, akin to an English rose, Celtic redhead or blond Swede. What hit me was the rich diversity of Turks, a veritable United Nations of a people, from ginger to dusky, European to oriental.” Jack Scott muses on the racial mélange of modern Turkey – and the rest of the world.