Culture Vulture Schmulture – W
In a feature shamelessly “inspired” by The Times‘s Culture Vulture, British Expat brings you the above titled (subtitled “Things you should own, if they’re the sort…
In a feature shamelessly “inspired” by The Times‘s Culture Vulture, British Expat brings you the above titled (subtitled “Things you should own, if they’re the sort…
In a feature shamelessly “inspired” by The Times‘s Culture Vulture, British Expat brings you the above titled (subtitled “Things you should own, if they’re the sort…
Atoz goes crazy ape bonkers and lists no fewer than 50 cultural icons beginning with the letter S. If you can’t find at least one of these in your music/book/video collection, there’s something wrong.
Gavin Maxwell, author of Ring of Bright Water, died in September 1969. Eighteen months earlier his house, which he called Camusfearna and had been home to the writer and his otters for so long, was destroyed by fire. Now, more than three decades later, Mike Clark tells how the Bright Water landscape has dramatically altered.
“Hitchcock’s finest (and most misanthropic) film was made in 1954 and starring Grace Kelly and Raymond Burr (eventually to play a wheelchair-bound Perry Mason) alongside God (James Stewart to the rest of you). If you haven’t seen it, go and never darken my website again, you are indeed not worthy.” Atoz (aka David Stock) gives a Hitchcock film the nod over Raging Bull, Rat Pack Confidential and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars.
Atoz takes us back to 1975 for “O”, and a clean sweep of the major Oscars…