RRS Discovery
RRS Discovery at the Discovery Point Antarctic Museum in Dundee
RRS Discovery at the Discovery Point Antarctic Museum in Dundee
“Between 1939 and 1945 a group of magicians were working in total secrecy deep in rural Buckinghamshire. But these were mathematical magicians tasked with cracking the most complex codes ever devised.” Terry Mitchell of Bletchley Park Post Office reviews the launch of a set of stamps to commemorate the cracking of Enigma.
This week: Rabbits – now the most populous mammals in Britain after humans and rats; and dogs – a nuisance if your neighbour’s isn’t properly kept under control.
This week: ID cards – and the UK Government’s plans to introduce a scheme in Britain.
This week: Four more bloody years – Dubya is re-elected.
This week: Game shows – a show with a difference results in multiple arrests.