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Posts from the ‘Expat Asia’ category

A waxwork of Marie Tussaud herself, with one of her creations

Madame Tussauds – Bangkok: Part 1

Kay and Dave visit Madame Tussauds in Bangkok, and discover that there’s a lot more to it than just looking at some wax dummies! Part One of a three-part article sets the scene and also covers the Royal room, the History room and the Leaders room.

Waxwork of Michael Jackson at Madame Tussauds in Bangkok

Madame Tussauds – Bangkok: Part 2

In Part Two of Kay’s three-part look at Bangkok’s Madame Tussauds, she misses Einstein, but does get to meet Michael Jackson and David Beckham – and shows Bruce Lee how to break concrete blocks with just the edge of her bare hand.

A waxwork of Nicolas Cage at Madame Tussauds in Bangkok

Madame Tussauds – Bangkok: Part 3

Kay winds up her three-part illustrated review of Madame Tussauds in Bangkok with an interview with Oprah, an A-list celeb party, and a “behind the scenes” look at the painstaking processes that go to make the amazing waxworks.

Flag of Malaysia

Manglish also can?

“If, like me, you are a seasoned expat, you will have heard that unique brand of local English, Manglish, many times. You will probably feel you can understand it, at least most of the time. You may even be cocky enough to use it on occasion.” Seasoned expat Gordon Reid looks at why many Malaysians speak English a little, erm, differently from how Britons do…