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Posts from the ‘Expat Asia’ category

Thai cuisine – an introduction

“The popularity of Thai cuisine has grown significantly in Britain over the last few years. Pat Chapman’s Thai Restaurant Cookbook describes how there was only a handful of Thai restaurants in the UK a few years back and yet this number had grown exponentially to 500 by 1996.” The Editor looks at the reasons why Thai food has become so popular in recent years.

Tropical Tioman

“Being a diver, the well known diving location of Tioman was a natural draw. Once voted one of the 10 most beautiful islands in the world, Tioman was used as the location of the mythical Bali Hai in the ’50s film South Pacific.” Julian Hyde waxes lyrical about the beauties of Tioman.

Flag of Hong Kong SAR

Hong Kong Morris Men

“Morris dancing is an English traditional type of dancing. Its origins go back for hundreds of years to pre-Christian times. The farmers and peasants who did these dances believed that the dances helped their crops to grow.” David Scott writes about the Hong Kong Morris.

Flag of Bahrain

Breather in Bahrain

“One of the small pleasures that your average British expatriate takes from living in Saudi Arabia is leaving the Kingdom to travel to the island of Bahrain. The only problem can sometimes be clearing Immigration at the causeway – purely due to the number of escapees.” Big Stevie’s guide to the fleshpots of Bahrain.