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Posts from the ‘Expat Asia’ category

Fruit stall at Maluk Market on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia

Sumbawa: Another kind of Paradise – Part Two

“This corner of Sumbawa is home to migrants from a variety of islands drawn here in the search for employment with the mine. My neighbours come from Flores, Sumba, Timor, Lombok, and Java; yet everyone gets along famously. Like small communities around the world, Sekongkang Bawah is a place where everyone’s business is public knowledge.” Part Two of Bruce Pohlmann’s tale of the easy-going lifestyle on Sumbawa.

Ferry in the Indonesian islands

Sumbawa: Another kind of Paradise

“I had the impression that Sumbawa Besar would be a wonderland of shops, restaurants, hotels and perhaps even a bookstore. The reality is that it’s the sleepy little capital city of a large, sleepy island. After an uneventful night at the Hotel Tambora with only one offer of a woman, and a breakfast of toast and bitter coffee, I’m ready to head back to my little village of Sekongkang.” Teacher Bruce Pohlmann describes life on the easy-going island of Sumbawa.

Horse and cart by Maluk market on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa

Sumbawa – living and teaching overseas

“Sumbawa is known to some tourists for its great waves and sandy white beaches. The island is not really visited much by non-surfing tourists, which is unfortunate as the parts of the island that I have seen so far in my six-month stay here are quite beautiful.” Teacher Bruce Pohlmann describes life on the easy-going island of Sumbawa.

Letter from Bangalore

“Life in Bangalore has changed a lot since I first spent about six months here in 1995. It’s been said to have been – and maybe still is – the fastest growing city in Asia. Everyone has heard about all the service and software outsourcing to India – Ground Zero of that is Bangalore.” Thomas Elam with a personal view of India’s fifth-largest city, Karnataka’s capital and the heart of India’s burgeoning IT industry.

A building site in downtown Pattaya in Thailand

Buying property in Thailand: culture shock!

“Before I could see any groundwork laid on the site, I was greeted with the sight of the builders’ ramshackle housing made out of tin and used wood. My wife explained that they had to live on-site to keep guard on the materials. When I noticed that they also built a small pen and brought chickens, seeing my baffled face, she said, ‘Well, they do have to eat, don’t they?'” Henry Jiminez finds setting up home in the Land of Smiles is a whole new experience!